Sunday, July 31, 2022

Hello Old Friend, part 4.

  next in a series of [somewhat edited] letters sent to a friend, giving him an update on how life with the Hazys has changed 

Hey brother!  I trust that life is going well for you, and that our Father’s peace and presence is making up for any challenges you’re facing these days.  It’s been a challenging month for our family (as you know), dealing with the sudden loss of “our” dad, and the hole in our life that loss created.  To say life has changed is a bit of an understatement.

Speaking of that, I want to share a story with you about a major life change that I experienced at a church camp, probably…25 years ago, and how my life (and other lives, too) is (are) still being impacted that that change today.  Now you might be thinking something like, “Yeah, yeah, I get it: teenagers make all kinds of silly camp commitments; that’s nothing new.”  But I wasn’t a teenager, and technically I wasn’t a camper, either; I was the bus driver.

This happened during my first run at [the church we just left], well before you knew me.  It was before I had kids, before I had even met Shannon, and before I had been overseas.  Before the current pastor held that position, and maybe before the church had relocated to the location that you’re familiar with (can’t remember that part for sure)… At that point in my life, I was recently broken and humbled, looking for some direction from the Lord.  I wanted to learn, serve, and put in some work on character development that would represent our Father well - instead of embarrassing myself and leaving a bad taste in peoples’ mouthes over another believer who wasn’t very good at living what they believed.

…and the church needed a bus driver to help in taking the teenagers to camp - a Student Life thing in…Arkansas, if I remember correctly.  I had been friends with the youth minister for years, and I wasn’t sure if I was helping him out or he was helping me - probably a bit of both.  Either way, there I was, wanting to help, wanting to hear from God, willing to change however I needed to in order to become His man.

During one of the worship services, the speaker painted a rather vivid picture that has really stuck with me over the years.  Using the elevated stage/platform he was speaking from as a boundary, he established something else - maybe the podium? - as a focal point, and then said something like, “Let’s imagine this place right here is where we’re supposed to be.  It’s like home base.  If you’re here, you’re 100% with God.  The trouble starts…” (he steps away from *home base*) “…when we begin to focus on other things and move toward them…” (stares across the room at *something else* and takes another step or two) “…and move away from where we’re supposed to be.  We even ask God things like Am I still ok?  Are we still good, Lord?“ (as he steps to the very edge of the stage, leaning *away* as he reaches out for something while looking back and asking) “…is this still ok?  Can I go this far?  His point was to show that folks who call themselves believers or born-again or Christians, etc… may or may not actually be God’s people, but either way they have the wrong focus or are asking the wrong kind of questions, which is something like “…what can I still do?” or “…how far can I go?” or “…what can I get away with?” and still not get into trouble with you, Lord?

That’s the wrong perspective, the wrong focus.  Doing my thing, living my life, building my brand, chasing my dream, while checking in with God along the way and saying Are we all good?  Have I gone too far yet?  A life lived that way reveals a heart that is oriented on moving away from home base, and is sad or hurt or disappointed or frustrated or bitter or…whatever when its wandering away is limited or challenged.

This concept has really come into focus as we’ve parented our kids - especially in the toddler/early childhood phase.  They want what they want, and a problem is whatever keeps them from getting that.  Any limits or reminders or redirections are resisted, and they don’t usually see that our house rules, our way of doing things are for their benefit, to keep ‘em safe and to keep them on the right track toward becoming the kind of grownups they’re supposed to be.

Back to that broken-bus-driver-at-camp memory...  I don’t recall if I made some significant commitment or even verbalized a prayer.  But since that day, I can’t even put a number on the times the Lord has brought me back to that moment and reminded me that I should orient my focus, my energy, my heart on making him the center of my life instead of chasing other pursuits, other dreams, other loves…and then asking something life “…am I in trouble yet?…have I gone too far yet?”  I think this concept is a possible application of Proverbs 17:24 - what do you think?

One last thought, and then I’ll connect this to my journey from “there to here” and offer a few thoughts on set apart times

I remember a memorable scene from a firefighter movie I watched years ago.  The deputy fire chief, struggling to explain the character of the men he worked with, said

People are always asking me How is it that firefighters run into a burning building when everyone else is running out? …courage is the answer.

There is something qualitatively different about firefighters, about police, about EMTs, about soldiers (and others, too) that sets them apart from the crowd.  It’s in their bones, really.  Training and experience hones their ability, but it’s their heart that separates them from the rest.

I think it’s supposed to work much the same way with all of us who belong to the Most High.  A qualitative change of heart happens to all who are truly born again, who didn’t just get an invitation to the Master’s wedding, but showed they belonged there by the change in their heart(s) which resulted a change in their behavior (“many are called, few are chosen”)  Scripture tells us that the Spirit of God that raises us from death to life enables us to live according to his instructions, for the greatness & glory of His reputation in the earth.  Because of a different, reborn, God-powered heart that’s in us, we are predisposed to move toward him even as the rest of the world moves in the wrong direction, away from him - and this sometimes includes those who might talk a good game and even look like they belong to the Lord.

It’s this concept of moving toward our Father that has given me something like a litmus test over the years in the outworking of my faith: If I need to make some kind of decision, which option/choice would move me closer to my Father?  Which one would line up more closely with the instructions he’s given?  Which is the best way to pursue the things he chases after and best represents his character?

Let me try to explain my thoughts on God’s appointed times and connect them to this concept of moving toward him, even if others around me might be oriented in other directions...

In the last letter I brought up the concept of God’s immutability, and offered Hebrews 13:8 and Malachi 3:6 as places in Scripture where this is mentioned.  In my journey towards becoming more Biblical in my “living”, this does include being Torah observant, because the Torah is in the Bible.  And since I believe there is One God (the same God) telling one story (the same story) - and since I believe what Scripture tells us when it says He does not change…well, I had to re-evaluate what I thought about a number of things.

A few years ago, I realized (or, more likely, the Holy Spirit showed me) that my tendency when reading God’s instructions on how to live a “set apart” life was to think/say something like…oh, that was for them, not for me; that’s all been done away with now.  Which is, in effect, the same as moving as far to the edge of that stage as possible, moving away from the center instead of orienting my faith toward my Father and the instructions he gives.

It’s also insulting to God to think that his instructions don’t apply to me.  The one who said “keep the instructions forever” surely understands what forever means.  The one who said “I don’t change” wouldn’t change, right?  Or, his Son, the living embodiment of God himself who showed us how to follow these instructions - when he taught us how to work out those instructions and he said I’m not throwing them away - the world itself will end before these change in even the smallest way - surely the Son of God, the Savior of the World, the King of all Creation was (is!) smart enough to announce changes he was making, right?  And if those changes were coming - say, after Yeshua’s resurrection and ascension - why wouldn’t they mention it?  Even more, why would they go the opposite way in their instruction?

The most reasonable answer, which maintains the immutability, wisdom, and kindness (as in “not misleading” or “not fickle/capricious”) of our Father and His Son is…nothing changed.  To read a tension between the Old and New testaments that doesn’t really exist, and to imply something about God’s instructions, communication, and perhaps even his character and/or intelligence….is, I would think, a bad idea.  I believe Peter cautions against this sort of thing at the end of his second letter.

OK, that’s a lot of setup for why I and my crew observe the appointed times.  To summarize: because he told us to, and because I want to live in a way that moves toward Him, not away from who he is and how he wants things done.  The way I see it, there are at least three options for how to deal with the appointed times:

  • We (non-Jewish) believers don’t have to observe them to be “right” in our faith practice.  (You are probably already aware of reasons why people hold this position, and I gave at least two examples of how I used to believe)…so it we aren’t required to observe the appointed times, and we Hazys do it anyway because we love our father and want to join him in celebrating things that make him happy…

I mean, what’s wrong with that?  A person wouldn’t condemn their neighbor for attending & celebrating their relatives’ anniversary or family reunion, would they?

  • Second option: observing the appointed times is a thing all of God’s people - not just Jews - are supposed to do. (Full disclosure: this is my position)  If this is the case…well, a lot of people are getting it wrong.  But just like everything else about growing our faith, we don’t have to be 100% correct on 100% of all the things 100% of the time. (There’s more to say about this, but that’s getting off topic)

The point is we should be moving toward the center of the faith we profess, rather than seeing how far we can go and still be “OK”.  Yochanan the Immerser (John the Baptist) captured this concept nicely, saying “He must become more important, while I become less important.” (John 3:30)

  • It’s certainly possible that the Bible teaches us about the appointed times differently than either option I mentioned.  Let’s call this one “something else”.  I don’t know what that would be, but I’m happy to admit I haven’t figured everything out and don’t have all the answers.

With that said, I’ll restate that disclaimer just a bit as I tell you how we approach observing the moedim/appointed times…

First, these things are not all feasts.  One is actually a fast, which is in my understanding the opposite of a feast.  Next, one of these moedim is the sabbath, which I think we’ve covered pretty well, so no need to elaborate on that further.  Last thought on this disclaimer portion: I don’t think the Hazys have the definite, complete, or final answer on this (or any) topic.  We know more about this stuff than we used to, and if you check in with me two, three, or ten years from now, I’ll probably have more to tay on this topic, and may have adjusted the living out of my faith even further.  I’m doing my best to follow my father’s instructions, and to live according to the “house rules”…

Now the moedim are discussed or referenced in quite a few placed in Scripture, but you can see them all listed in Leviticus 23.  There are three categories:


Sabbath.  On the seventh day/Saturday.  Our weekly purposeful rest.  Like I said, we’ve already covered this one.

Spring Feasts Moedim

- Passover (these three overlap) 

- Unleavened Bread (these three overlap)

- First fruits (these three overlap)


Fall Feasts Moedim


Day of Atonement not a feast


OK, I just rolled my eyes and couldn’t help but smile and shake my head - I got all the way to writing “Trumpets” before I realized that I used the word “Feasts” twice.  lol, still learning; haven’t got it all squared away just yet.

So…how do we observe these set-apart, appointed times?  We do our best to follow the guidelines laid out in Scripture, but sometimes we have to adjust/make substitutions.  We don’t have flocks, herds, or (very significant) crops, so we may go grocery shopping instead.  There is not an active priesthood or a temple/tabernacle, so no sacrifices.  We don’t know anyone from the Tribe of Levi around here, so instead we try to set aside & share special portions with whomever the Lord leads us to bless and fellowship with.  We like family camping, so that one’s easy.

Basically, we do the best we can to follow our Father’s instructions for these moedim in our context, and we carry the perspective that he’s our father: He’s not looking to punish or condemn us for being as obedient as we can.  Good dads don’t come down on their kids for trying and still making mistakes; they give the kid a break and help ‘em out.  That’s what grace is about.

I don’t know if I’ve talked to you about the Biblical concept of grace, but even if I have it bears repeating.  The Hebrew word חֵסֵד/chesed is usually translated as mercy or loving-kindness or steadfast love or sometimes loyalty.  I read somewhere that the nearest Greek (New Testament)  equivalent to this word is χάρις/charis, which is usually translated “grace”.

…have you ever heard of Hasidic Jews?  That comes from the same work: it means loyal or devoted.  This Biblical concept of chesed/mercy/grace doesn’t really have a precise English equivalent, but it means to be committed, to act in someone’s interest in a personal, loving, hands-on kind of way.  Like a dad who loves his kids and takes it easy on them as they’re doing their best to please him - even if they mess up along the way.

That, my friend, is the God of the Bible, and he’s the same from cover to cover (and beyond), and he didn’t change between Malachi and Matthew.  It kind of goes without saying, but I’ll tie this conclusion back to my story: our Father takes it easy on his kids who are doing their best to please him, and he knows the difference when they’re trying to get over on him or get away with doing what they want while saying “I love you Daddy.”

So we do the best we can to observe the moedim as instructed, and we figure that God will be happy that we’re trying to do it his way, and that he’ll help us to make any adjustments that are needed along the way.

One last thing: I think it’s pretty amazing that the Spring Moedim call back to and celebrate the first coming and saving work of Yeshua Messiah, and the Fall Moedim anticipate and celebrate his return and reign on earth as it is in heaven.  What a day that will be.

Well, as always, there’s more to say…but 10 pages on a couple of stories and the set-apart times is probably enough for this go-round. 

I love you, brother - catch up to you soon…

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Loving your friend, Losing our Dad


the man, the myth, the legend.
It’s been a week.

I’m sitting here in our Uncle’s kitchen in North Louisiana, trying to put my thoughts together and get my head around the unexpected turn that our family’s journey took last week.  Today we’ll get ready and return back home to SE Texas, another 5-hour road trip after a week full of highway miles, camping out in relatives’ living rooms, funeral preparations, memorial services, and laying to rest one of the greatest men that any of us have ever known.

Last Friday night, just as we were sitting down to supper, I got a call from Shannon’s parents’ driveway.  The paramedics were there, working to revive her dad.  As he had done so many times before, he put the evening plans on hold for a little while so that he could help a friend fix their car.  He told his wife it was a simple fix, wouldn’t take long, and afterward they’d still have time to go to the grandson’s taekwondo class… and the friend would have a reliable ride to work the next day.  Another neighbor came over, and the three men were talking as Dad fixed the problem.

What a gift that was.  Thanks be to God for providing the extra man.

As he was working, Dad told his friends he needed to sit down and rest.  As he did so, he fell over, and began a much longer rest than anyone who knew him had ever anticipated.  That man worked his whole life as an automotive technician, and he was not the kind to slow down or rest or take breaks.  He had a knack for fixing things – it was truly a gift from the Most High, and one that he used to the best of his ability.  Even after he retired a year and a half ago, he did not stop working to help his family, neighbors, and friends.  So many friends.

One of those friends called 911 to get help, then ran inside to get his wife.  The other friend stayed with him, offering comfort and support to a man who no longer needed it, as we later found out.  We prayed from our dining room, hours away, while his other daughter and her husband raced to be with their parents.  Bubba was brought to a local hospital, where it was confirmed that he was gone, and the shock of it all began to settle in for our family, their community, and his friends.  So many friends.

Back at our home, we worked with my brother, making plans to get there by lunchtime Saturday.  Brother - that’s how we think of each other in this family.  Though he and I married into the Stroziers, we’ve never been “in laws”; we’ve always been sons and brothers.  That’s how it is with this family, always so open and loving and willing to share.  And that’s just what everyone did for my crew this week, starting with our amazing (local SETX) friends who loaned us their van for a week after we found out our a/c was not running – that’s kind of important when you’re hauling 10 people and a kitten around for 30+ hours in the, um, warm summer environment that the Gulf Coast offers in July.  Another family has taken care of our house (and other animals) that we left behind in a hurry as we hit the road for a week away.  I’ve also been on the receiving end of a lot of grace and compassion from my team and co-workers at my job, who have given me the time and space I needed to be with the family and offered prayer and support along the way.  So grateful for all these friends.

Our (Louisiana) family has been amazing in the way they’re opened their homes to us, giving us places to stay, providing meals, sharing their homes so our crew could run out their wiggles or retreat and process the events of the week, get cleaned up, get some rest, do some laundry, and share this impossible, unwanted, amazing week with our family and friends.  So many friends.

As we gathered – especially at the memorial services – we heard so many stories about Bubba Strozier.  The amazing man he was, the generous, selfless way he lived.  He had so.many.friends.  One story I heard along the way was how he recently needed a haircut, and for some reason or another had to go to a different place than he normally did.  After his first visit to that shop, he walked out with phone numbers of two new friends that he made while getting that haircut.  I’m sure that if time would have allowed, he would have made good on his intentions to get them in his hunting lease, probably fixed their vehicles, and become lifelong friends with them, too.

A man once came to Jesus and asked him what the “big commandment” was.  Leaving aside the fact that this may or may not have been a sincere question from a person/group who may or may not have wanted to use his answer against him, our Lord told him, basically,

All of it is important. It starts with listen with the intention to obey, and the first thing to hear is love the Lord your God heart, soul, mind, and strength.  Give him everything you have.  And be loving toward your friends.  If you do this, the rest will fall into place.

That word in the second command is usually translated “neighbor”, but might be better translated friend.  If you’re even somewhat familiar with the Bible or Christianity, you probably know the story Jesus told to answer the follow-up question …and who is my neighbor/friend?  The parable of the Good Samaritan shows that we are to act in loving, compassionate, care-giving ways to anyone that we happen to cross paths with, not just the ones who live next door to us.

This acting out our faith, this care-providing, friendly way of interacting with the world around us comes very easy to people who are already walking according to the first commandment, who realize that the same God who saved them and continues to provide for their needs will also give (or replace) the resources they need to be loving to their friends, whether it’s lifelong relationships, new contacts you just made while getting a haircut…

…or the guys with you in the driveway while you’re working on a car.

Praise God for our friends, and for our dad, who showed us all how to apply the second commandment and be loving towards our friends.

Hello Old Friend, part 6.

next in a series of [somewhat edited] letters sent to a  friend, giving him an update on how life with the Hazys has changed   Hey brother, ...